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 801 TaxHacker How I optimize my German taxes using AI  8.4K Vibe Coding Beer + GenAI = a whole useful app in an evening. How I now write my prototypes and weekend projects
 8.1K End-to-end Encryption How We Stopped Trusting Clouds and Started Encrypting our Data
 10.7K SponsorBlock: Skip In-Video YouTube Ads Even on AppleTV  355 👩‍🎤 Indie vs Corporate 👨‍💼 Why the tech stack and approach to pet projects is completely opposite to what you do at work  20.3K Pets vs. Cattle 99% of your work will eventually be thrown away. And that's what will make you a professional.
 21.3K Chaos Communication Camp 2023 Burning Man for Hackers or How to Fall in Love with Technology Again
 18K Dumbass Home. 3 Years Later + lots of self-hosting
 46.3K Vastrik Bus Second year. Exterior and «off-road» stuff  34.3K A Team How to build awesome teams without bullshit  77.3K No Code  37.9K Augmented Reality  220.7K Computational Photography From Selfies to Black Holes  206.3K Dumbass Home 2.0 Internet of Things. How to Automate Your Flat Today  995.5K Machine Learning for Everyone In simple words. With real-world examples. Yes, again  45.6K How Machines Predict The Weather For Us  459.1K Making the Touch Bar finally useful By abandoning crappy Apple guidelines  63.8K Machine Translation From the Cold War to Deep Learning  58.5K How Ethereum and Smart Contracts Work Distributed Turing Machine with Blockсhain Protection  58.8K Blockchain Inside Out: How Bitcoin Works Once and for all in simple words